Selfish Self Destructs

Selflessness. A word often unheard, and often misinterpreted. We live in a society where we are taught to be selfish. We are taught to love ourselves first before anyone else. We are pushed to accomplish all we can so that we can be successful. We are told  to make the most of our lives because "you only live once". We work so hard at trying to get all we can while we can while finding ourselves incomplete, angry, empty and exhausted. Why is that? Why is it that we do all that the world tells us to do and still feel unfulfilled?

I went through a phase in my life where I was extremely quick-tempered. I lashed out at others around me, I cursed under my breath and I turned my nose up at things that didn't please me or go the way I wanted it to. Inside I was angry. And angry at no one in particular. I wanted control. I wanted to control everything in my life. I expected everything and everyone to please me. And if it didn't, I had the right to verbalize my disapproval. After all I was entitled to that right?

That was a huge mistake. I fell for the lie of entitlement. I fell for the lie that I'm SUPPOSED to be happy. I fell for the lie that my way was the best way, not knowing that it was not only destroying my relationships, but destroying my peace of mind, my joy and ultimately destroying any possibility of an intimate relationship with God.

What I didn't know was that I couldn't love wholly with this attitude. I didn't know that I had completely shut out hearing God because I had already made up in my mind what I wanted. I couldn't evolve stuck in this mentality. I would ultimately self destruct and lead a selfish, unhappy, pitiful life. I eventually began to notice my negative attitude and I didn't like it. I didn't like how I was feeling and I didn't like who I was becoming. That is when I decided I needed to make a change.

Releasing the reigns of control on my life and placing it the hands of God was the best decision I have ever made. It has allowed me to breathe and relax. It's as simple as praying, "Lord, I realize that my way isn't the best way. I understand that You have a perfect plan for me. Even though I sometimes want what I want, help me to accept what I need by helping me place my total trust and dependence on You.

I realized that it wasn't about me. My purpose here on this earth was bigger than me just getting everything I wanted. God wakes us up every morning because He still has something for us to do. If we continue being selfish, how can we allow God the opportunity to show us what that is?

It's funny how society teaches us independence and God teaches us the exact opposite. He teaches us dependence. He wants us to depend on Him for everything (Phil 4:6-7). The wonderful result of doing this, is that true peace will follow. I learned a valuable lesson. I learned to loosen the expectations of how I thought my life should pan out, and give God free reign to do it His way. I now welcome adversity, because I know that it encourages maturity and strength. Our adversities become our lessons. Our tears become our teachers...but only if we allow them to.

Reference Scriptures:
Matthew 22:37-40
Philippians 4:6-7
Proverbs 23:17-18

Broken Hearts Hurt

Let's face it. Most of us at one point in time have experienced a broken heart. Whether it was from the end of a relationship, loss of a loved one, betrayal of a friend, we all have found ourselves hurt. And it is painful, extremely painful. 

I can literally attest to the heart wrenching painful feeling in the center of my chest as if the very life of me was being pulled out. It is not a good feeling, at all. That may sound a bit dramatic, but at the time that is exactly how it feels. It hurts. And at that moment no comforting word or humorous gesture can take that feeling away. 

I recently finished a book by Dr. Charles Stanley called, The Blessings of Brokenness. This book helped me in a tremendous way look at brokenness in a way I had never looked at it before. I had deep hurts in my heart and I wanted to know why? 

Why would God allow His child that He loved so much experience such pain? How could He sit there and watch me suffer? Surely He was punishing me for something I had done. I deserve this. But what did I do so wrong to deserve this?

These are just a few of the many questions that circled in my head while I was going through. I needed answers and decided to seek God's face in prayer and scripture to find the answers to these questions. Pastor Stanley said something in his book that perplexed me. He said, 

"People who are genuinely broken by God know great joy." 

Having experienced the pain of a broken heart, I could not understand what joy could come out of such a painful place. It made no sense. So I went to the Word of God for myself to understand how this could be true. God led me to 2Corinthians 4:16-18 which has become one of my favorite scriptures. It says,

"That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are quite small and won’t last for very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have yet not seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever." 

I was relieved! There is indeed a purpose in our suffering. 

As a result of suffering, renewal takes place. God uses our brokenness to break us away from what may hinder us from receiving all that He has in store for us. Brokenness encourages us to change; it humbles us and encourages dependence upon the Lord. He breaks us to build our endurance, strengthen our faith and so that we can help someone else get through something similar. My Dad once told me, “Everything we go through is for someone else.” Once I understood the multifaceted purpose that God had for breaking my heart, I was able to lean on Him, allow Him to heal the hurt, repair the brokenness and teach me the lesson He wanted me to learn as a result. I felt better knowing that God allowed those situations to take place so that I may become stronger; and knowing that I had the ability to help someone felt good.

God does not leave us alone in these painful times even though it may feel like He’s nowhere near. “God heals the brokenhearted and bandages [our] wounds.” Psalm 147:3. He wants you to look for Him in your troubling times. He wants to comfort you and heal your broken heart. He wants to break you from your self reliance into full dependence on Him.

Changing my perspective that God was punishing me, to the perspective that God was at work in me, kept me from being angry, bitter and hostile. Because of that, God was able to fully heal my heart and replace that hurt with joy. Joy in knowing that God was perfecting me.

Although I couldn't see it at first, my brokenness has contributed to my growth and I have God to thank for that. Broken hearts hurt, but if we allow ourselves to see past the pain and see the work that God is doing in us, we can welcome restoration.

“…whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for great joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.” James 1:2-4


Reference Scriptures:

The Blessing of Time

Last week I went out for soup and salad with a friend, while we were chatting she said something that changed my perspective on this period in my life. I was explaining to her what was going on in my life right now and how God's timing seems to be totally different than my timing (which is most cases anyway lol). I had been guilty of complaining about not being exactly where I want to be and not having the things I had expected to have at 28 years old. I was gently reminded that God did not forget about me nor does He not know the purpose of what this time in my life represents.

She said, "Don't look at this period in your life as not having what you want, but look at it as God blessing you with time." 

That was indeed an aha moment for me.
I often times forget how much a blessing it is that God has provided me an abundance of time to not only develop and pursue my endeavors, but time to spend with Him. He loves me so much that He has allowed me time to '"get it right". Time to seek Him how I want and time to prepare for what's to come. Excess time to us may seem like a daunting waiting period to getting the things we want, but sometimes to God, it is a preparation period. 

Cultivating a right relationship with God has provided me with insight into His will for my life. We get so busy and sidetracked with what we want and how we want it, that we often times forget that God is there waiting for us to talk to Him, to spend time with Him, and ask Him what He wants us to do with what He has presently given us. We can't ignore God and expect Him to give us everything that our hearts desire. This teaches me to ask God to help me to be content where He has placed me and show me what He wants me to do right now. It also teaches me to thank God for this time that He has blessed me with to develop a more intimate relationship with Him.

The next time I open my mouth to complain about what I don't have, I will instantly thank God for what He's given me, the time He's given me and that He knows exactly why I am where I am and where I am going. 

Reference Scripture: "Draw close to God and He will draw close to you." James 4:8a 

A Love Perfect

Ahhh, I finally did it! I started my blog! What inspired me to create a blog? Quite honestly, I never had the desire to create one, but I knew I needed to. For as long as I can remember I have always kept a journal or a diary. I would write as if my life depended on it. It was my therapy. It was my outlet when no one else would hear me. It was my safe. In those pages are thoughts, feelings, emotions, prayers... within those pages lie my heart. And now 28 years later, I am no longer ashamed of what are in those pages. As I flip through them, I see the transformation that God took me through and is still taking me through. I recognize my journey and am proud of it.

I am now in a place in my life where God is prompting me to share. God has been infinitely perfect in my life and I now know that it is up to me to share what He has done for me in hopes of encouraging you. It is my goal to keep this blog as simple as possible. It is my goal to only write straight from my heart. And it is my goal to be transparent, open and even vulnerable at times and allow God to use me as a vessel to reach the hearts of you who are reading. I consider this my open journal. 

I hope that something said in these posts encourage you. I hope that you will feel the warmth of God's love through my words, and that you will see how perfect God's love really is.



Reviews: The Heart Detox "Emotions" Challenge

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