Hope...God's Promise

I am learning that God promises us so much. He tells us what He will do for us if we trust in Him. I like to keep His promises in front of me so that whenever I'm having a rough day or just need to be reminded I won't have to look very far. God has so much he wants to give us and He tells us all about it right there in His letters to us, His children. It's right there in His Word. One of my favorite promises/scriptures is one that tells us to remain hopeful. God tells us clearly that our hope won't be disappointed. This scripture I keep written on my mirror so that I can be reminded daily:

"Don't envy sinners, but always continue to fear the Lord. For surely you have a future ahead of you; Your hope will not be disappointed." - Proverbs 23:17-18

Whenever you feel close to losing hope, remember our Father promises that our hope will not be disappointed.

Have a blessed day!


Prayer: "Teach Me To Wait On You"

How hurtful must it be to God when we constantly complain about what we want or what we don't have? Sometimes when I think about that, I have to instantly ask for forgiveness. It's hard to wait for the things you want and the things you are trusting God for at times. If we can learn to be content with where God has placed us, and learn to use and take advantage of everything God has given us as this time in our lives, by the time God blesses us with what we asked for, we won't even realize that it was missing. God wants our main focus to be on Him. Look to Him and He will provide everything you need.

Dear Lord,
I say that I trust You, I say that I believe You but all I utter out of my mouth are complaints.
I don't have this and I don't have that, Lord, that must really hurt You. Please forgive me for not appreciating what You have blessed me with. Help me to see the beauty and light in all that You have given me. I pray for contentment in my current situation and pray that You would give me the courage to be everything I can be with what I have now until YOU see fit for me to have more. Lord, thank You for being so patient and gracious with me. Teach me how to wait on You. 
In Jesus' name, 

In The End, We Win!

It's Friday! This has been an interesting week. It was filled with laughter, smiles, frustration and tears. But guess what? I'm still here. Sometimes when hard times come my way, I in an instant forget why I'm here. Earlier this week I allowed my circumstances to get the best of me and without realizing it, I challenged God's timing and God's plan. It really does become confusing when I work hard to get the things I want out of life and it just doesn't pan out the way I hoped and expected it to. I know many of you can relate. You work hard, you are obedient to God's Word, and sometimes life throws you curveballs, totally knocking you off "your" timeline.

It is a daily struggle really giving up control over my life. If anyone tells you that it is easy, they are lying to you lol. I mean, giving up control means letting go of your own plans and replacing it with the Lord's plans. Now this doesn't mean that we can't create goals or have ambition, but we always have to make sure we acknowledge God first and give Him free reign to change our plans/goals/ambitions AND willingly obey and follow Him when He does (Proverbs 3:6). It really is difficult but the rewards are worth it. This my friends, is what you call a faith walk; being led by God, not knowing exactly where He is taking you, but knowing that His way is better than yours. Faith is obedience. Obeying even when we don't understand.

Dr. Crawford Loritts, Pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Rosewell, GA says,

"Faith is the acknowledgement of God's authority. It assumes that God has the right to run my life."
"True Faith is the ability to wait for the fulfillment of God's purposes in HIS time."

This seems so difficult right? We can't possibly be this selfless on our own. That is why God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us. He has given us access to incredible strength to trust Him when everything and everyone is telling us not to. He helps us to trust Him! How awesome is that? He gives us tools like His Word to guide us when we feel weak, He gives us the privilege of prayer to release the burdens we carry, and He gives us each other to help, love and encourage one another when we may need it. That is why it is so important to make ourselves available for our friends and family when they may be going through a tough time. That is why love is SO important.

Every time I experience weak moments as I did this week, I remind myself of this faith walk that I am on. I am reminded that I am not only doing this for me, but I am doing this so that my life can be a testament to someone else, that others can be drawn to Christ. So that someone else can look at me and say, "If Saunya got through it, why can't I?" I am reminded that I am doing this so that God's full and complete purpose can be fulfilled in my life and that when I am dead and gone, God will look at my life and be pleased.

Hebrews 12:2 is a constant reminder that keeps me focused on God and not my struggles. I look to Jesus as my example. He endured the most shame and pain possible and He didn't give up. He knew God had a purpose in His pain and that the end result (joy) would be everlasting. It says,

"We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew he would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honor beside God's throne in heaven."

Our current struggles are small compared to the joy we will receive later. Endure them patiently now, because in the end, we win!


Reference Scriptures:
Proverbs 3:6
Hebrews 12:2

Introducing Weekly Prayer Posts

I sometimes search my journal and read old entries to remind myself how far I've come. There is something very encouraging about reading old prayers knowing that God has answered them or just to see what was on my heart at that particular time in my life. A few days ago, I was talking to God, pouring out to Him what was on my heart. While I was praying, I was reminded of an old written prayer from just a month before. I opened my journal and there it was, in written form, the very same prayer I was speaking to God at that very moment. As I was reading it, my heart was lightened because I felt better knowing that what was in my heart was still current. I still had a heart ready and willing to be transformed. It just confirmed for me that I really meant what I was praying. I decided to share this prayer with you all and am going to share weekly some of my own prayers in hopes of encouraging any of  you who may be going through something similar.

Only YOU can see what's really in my heart. 
Only You know what's really there even if I may 
lie to myself and pretend that everything is perfectly fine. Lord, I need help. 
There are things in my heart and mind that 
shouldn't be there and that I am ashamed of. 
There are old habits, feelings, and patterns that needs to go!
I really need you to search my heart 
'O God and show me what I don't want to see about myself 
so I can clean it up. 
I don't want to pretend anymore.
I have a few problems and I really need to address them
 if I am ever going to be 100% good use to You.
 I open my mind and heart to receive anything you have to tell me. Lord, help me. 
In Jesus' name, 

Is Love a Choice?

“Love is not simply warm feelings, instead it is an attitude that reveals itself in action. How can we love others as Christ loves us? By helping when it’s not convenient, by giving when it hurts, by devoting energy to others’ welfare rather than our own, by absorbing hurts from others without complaining or fighting back. This kind of loving is hard to do. That is why people will notice when you do it and will know that you are empowered by a supernatural source.” - Student's Life Application Bible (in reference to John 13:35)

I ran across this excerpt a few months ago in the commentary section of my Study Bible and it struck a nerve. Just by this excerpt alone you can see that love is all about the person you are loving. It is not selfish. I definitely used to think about love and automatically think of those flutters in the pit of my stomach when I started to really like someone. It is so much more than that. Love is action. It is a conscious choice that we make no matter what our current emotional state is. Love is not based on emotions. We love because we want to, or simply because we've made up in our minds that we are going to.

Gary Chapman, Author of the book "The Five Love Languages" says, "When we choose to love, our emotions follow the decision of our minds." It is true that making the choice to love definitely affects our behavior. But we first have to
make that choice.

The ultimate act of love ever performed took place over 2,000 years ago. God took human form, came down to earth, lived, and then died a cruel and humiliating death for sins we hadn't even committed yet. He knew that we would reject Him but yet He STILL died for us; because He loved us. That was and still is the highest display of love ever performed. Wow. Every time I think about it, I am in awe. God loves us so much that He tolerates us rejecting Him everyday and yet he still wakes us up every morning. It's because He LOVES. He doesn't have to, but He chooses to. 

"One of the highest acts of love you can give someone is the opportunity to reject you. This is exactly what God has done." - Student's Life Application Bible 

Today, Jesus asks of us only one thing and that is to love. He asks that we follow His example by loving those who treat us kindly AND by loving those who hurt us. Our natural response to hurt is revenge, but that isn't what Jesus teaches us to do. He teaches us to: "Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove that you are my disciples." John 13:34-35. Only He can give us the power to love this way. Loving others as Jesus loves us heals. It mends all brokenness and builds deep, satisfying relationships that lasts. And above all it draws the unloving and unsaved to Christ. If we use Jesus' constant display of love as the model to how we treat our families, friends and significant others, we will watch a tremendous change take place in our relationships with one word...one verb... Love.
Reference Scriptures: