Prayer: Help Me Help Them

More and more I am saddened that so many people are lost. They live their lives searching for that thing or that person that will make them happy. The sad part is that no one thing or person can do that. My Dad used to say, "Happiness is based on happenings." It's temporary. The things of this earth God blessed us to enjoy, but nothing He gave us here was meant to take His place. Many don't understand that the yearning that they have in their hearts stems from a lack of relationship with our Heavenly Father. He loves us. He wants to care for us. He wants to fill that longing in our hearts with His unlimited everlasting supply of love. All He wants is a willing and open heart. No matter how much wrong you may think you have done, God will ALWAYS accept with open arms anyone who gives their heart to Him. So my prayer on today is that God will continue to use me as a vessel to reach those who may not have ever experienced the gentleness of God's love. Some people may not make it to church, but they may make it to you. Don't let opportunities to share and encourage someone who is seeking help pass. You wouldn't believe the difference you could possibly make in their life.

Dear Lord,

There are so many people who don't know You. My heart aches for those who have never even been introduced to You. They live without hope and they devalue their lives because they don't know that You have a specific purpose for them. Many are depressed and sad. Some are hurt and angry. Others have no peace. God I ask that You would use me and all others who are willing to reach the hearts of those who don't know You. Lord teach me not to look over the hurting, but to help them. Help me not to gossip or judge but to encourage and uplift. Help me to live my life as a Christlike example so that others may be drawn to you. Lord so many need You, but so many can't see You because so many of us aren't willing to show them You. Lord, I want to be that. Help me be that. 
In Jesus' name, 

Blurb: Is this you? Are you wondering how you can give your heart to God and begin a wonderful loving relationship with Him? Start by clicking the tab "God's Perfect Love" on the right side of the screen, click the link provided and read about how you can accept Christ into your heart and start living for Him.


HEAL Them With Kindness

Have you ever heard of the common saying, "Kill them with kindness"? I always wondered why it was phrased that way. It makes kindness sound like a weapon or a manipulatory tool used to get what you want. That's not the purpose for being kind to someone at all. We forget that even though we think we are doing the right thing, God ALWAYS looks at our hearts and will judge us based on our motives and not just our actions. The motive behind the things we do is our truth. It's who we really are. The people around us may not know our motives but God does, and he knows exactly why we do the things that we do.

"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve." - Jeremiah 17:9-10

With that being said, it is important that we on a daily basis ask God to clean our hearts from any hatred, jealousy, envy, unforgiveness, bitterness or anything that is in there that is not like Him. It definitely is a daily struggle. Afterall, we ARE human and we tend to have these feelings in our hearts on occasion. 

However, we have the choice to harbor those feelings and allow them to fester and grow, or we can choose to acknowledge them (and not pretend we are perfect and it's not there) and ask God to release those feelings from our hearts. I try my best to make sure when I pray to ask God to show me the things about myself that I may not want to see but need to see. And He does.
Sometimes it hurts and is shocking to know that I have things in my heart that I'm not proud of. But because God is a forgiving God and a cleansing God, I make sure I ask Him to help me clean up the mess that's in my heart and make me pure for the days ahead.

With a pure and righteous heart, I am better able to respond to people who come at me in any negative way. Because my heart is in a better condition, I am able to easily recognize when someone is hurting. They may be disguised as a mean, negative, hateful person but sometimes it's best to take a moment, breathe and ask God to help you by giving you the strength to be kind to them (because Lord knows if it were up to me I wouldn't be able to lol). Understand that it definitely requires supernatural power to be able to hold our tongues when someone is coming at us sideways. Sometimes everything within us wants to snap back and give them everything they are spewing at us. When this happens, I try my best to remember,

"A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare." - Proverbs 15:1

Wherever someone says things to you that may hurt you or may cause you to want to brush them off and look the other way, don't. Realize that it's not them. It's a quality or characteristic in them that God has not yet perfected. Continue to love them, be kind to them and pray for them. God is still working on them. The less you take personal, the more you can look past those "unfinished attributes" and love the God that's in them. With this attitude you can actually help them reach a place of wholeness faster. But harsh words and cold shoulders do nothing but make the imperfections in them grow worse. How you respond to them could actually determine how slowly or quickly they improve. 

Swallowing your preferred choice words and being kind will calm any angry person down. Your motive shouldn't be just to shut them up, but to help them. My preferred saying is to "HEAL them with kindness". Your genuine kindness could be just what they need to kickstart their journey to becoming whole again.


Reference Scriptures:

Change: It's Not You, It's God

Not everyone will accept and understand the change that God allows to take place in you. Not even those who know you best. Understand that it is not their responsibility to change along with you. God transforms those who willingly and wholly accept His open invitation. He transforms us at different times, different seasons and in different ways. So the next time you sense those around you questioning your "new" ways and lifestyle, smile and know that your light is beaming bright enough for them to notice. God is not only changing you but He's changing your environment for you.


Prayer: Intercession - "Take Care of My Friend"

Did you know that one of the reasons that God gave us each other is so that we can encourage and pray for one another? We often forget that we have the ability to go before the Lord on behalf of our friends, loved ones, family, strangers, and even enemies. It's called Intercession. God hears and honors the prayers of pure hearts that go before Him honestly in efforts to help others. Sometimes we know people who are hurting so bad that they have trouble praying for themselves. It is our responsibility as their Christian brother/sister to step in and intercede on their behalf. So the next time someone you know is struggling with sin or are hurting, or even just having a hard day, before you open your mouth to judge them, pray for them. Love them. Let God handle the rest.
Dear God,

Today I want to pray for ___________. 
They are hurting and they need your peace. I know that I can't heal their hurt no matter how much I may want to, but I know that You can. Please cover them, comfort them and ease the pain so that they will feel Your love. Let them know that this trial will not last forever and that You can use it to make them stronger! Although they may not feel it now, remind them that they are valuable in your eyes! Lord, shield them from the hurt of negativity and judgments from people who do not care, but surround them with people who will love them, support them and build them up so they can push through this stronger than they were before. Show them that You really love them and that You are able to restore any brokenness that they have. And as You are working on them, help me never to judge them and to just be a supportive friend. Show me how to love them as You love us, without condition. Lord, I trust you to take care of my friend. 
In Jesus' name,

"Share each other's troubles and problems and in this way obey the Law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. You are really a nobody."  Galatians 6:2-3


The Indirect Power of Giving (Short Story)

Sitting here reflecting over my weekend and I wanted to share something that happened this weekend that really filled my heart...

About two weeks ago, I was out and about as I usually am, running a few errands. I made a stop to my nearest Target to pick up a few things (a few things? Right. lol). As I was walking to the entrance, I noticed a Caucasian male standing near the entrance. As I got closer, I heard him say,


"Excuse me Ma'am."


I turned around to see a slender, slightly unkempt gentleman trying to get my attention. I already knew what he wanted after quickly observing his demeanor. Rushing to get to the door so I could get in and get out, I briefly turned around (didn't want to be rude) and said,


"Would you happen to have any extra change so I may get me something to eat?

Now, I live in Chicago. Believe me when I say that this happens ALL the time. There are pan handlers everywhere. In front of stores, on the corners, and even in the street at stoplights. Sometimes without even hearing what they have to say I brush them off most of the time because I don't feel like dealing with them. And sure enough just like I thought, this gentleman was asking for money. But for some strange reason, I noticed a sincereness in his eyes when I looked at him. At that moment I felt the Holy Spirit gently whisper to me,
"help him." But as usual, I walked past him, shook my head and replied,

"I'm sorry, I don't."

I walked into Target, got my "few" things and walked out on the opposite entrance so I wouldn't have to interact with him again.

On the drive home I kept thinking about it. For some reason, I couldn't get this man's face out of my mind. I immediately felt convicted and sad that I didn't help him. I couldn't really understand why out of all the panhandlers I say no to, this one weighed heavy on me. I knew then that it was because I didn't listen to what the Holy Spirit told me to do, and I was sorry.

Fast forward to this past Friday. Friday morning, I thought about the situation again while laying in my bed. I thought about how it wouldn't have taken much for me to give him the change from my coin purse. I brushed the thoughts off and just went about my day. Later that day, I again was out and about running errands, picking up food to prepare for a few house guests later on that evening. Walmart was on my list of places to go to pick up some snacks. As I was looking for places to park (the lot was unusually packed), I had to park further away from the entrance. As I pulled into my parking space, I see a man a few feet away from my car. I took a quick glance and I knew it was him! I was shocked! And I was surprisingly happy! I got out of my car and heard,


"Hey there pretty lady, would you mind sparing some...


Before he could finish, I smiled and asked him if he was the same guy that I saw in front of Target the previous week. He said yes and I chatted with him for a bit, asking him how he was doing (like I knew him lol). I told him that instead of giving him money, I would get him something to eat. He smiled and said he would wait by my car for me to return out of Walmart. I walked into Walmart smiling because I knew I had the opportunity to do things right this time. I got what I needed and walked into the Subway inside and bought a footlong sub, 2 chocolate chip cookies and a Coke. As I was walking back to my car, there he was, still standing there. When he turned around and saw me handing him his food, he started laughing with excitement. I had never seen anyone so happy! I don't think that he believed that I would actually buy him food. He thanked me, took the food and walked away. I got in my car and noticed as he was walking away he did a little fist pump and mouthed "YES!" I drove off and he waved at me again as he saw me leave.

This may not mean much to many, but to me this was monumental. At first I thought that this was a mere coincidence but then I realized that no, God orchestrated this. He gave me a second chance. He taught me a lesson. He used me to be a blessing to His child. And although I was disobedient the first time, He gave me a second chance all the while teaching me how important it is to give.

All of these thoughts and feelings overwhelmed me while I was driving and (me being my sensitive self lol) I started crying and I wasn't sure why. I was overcome with emotion and my heart was SO full because of the realization that God loved me so much that He gave me a second chance to do things right. I was also full because it made me realize that we sometimes take what we have for granted. All this man wanted was to eat. God has blessed me with so much, what would it take away from me to help him? My Dad always used to say, "We get to give to get to give to get to give..." It's an ongoing cycle. Ultimately, God blesses us to be a blessing to someone else. And although it is impossible for us to help everybody, it is extremely important that we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit when He urges us to help someone in particular. I may not know why it was so important that I help this man that God gave me a second opportunity, but I do know that it was part of His plan. And that fact alone is enough for me.

I am so glad that God allowed me this opportunity. I'm glad that I was able to mirror Jesus' love by helping someone that could possibly never help me. I believe that I benefited more from helping that gentleman than he did. Helping him indirectly helped me.The joy I felt was priceless and incomparable. God taught me a powerful lesson. The indirect power of giving.

